Selected papers from
ASPARi crew members
Kumalasari, D., Koeva, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Petrova Antonova, D., & Kuffer, M. (2023). Planning walkable cities: Generative design approach towards digital twin implementation. Remote sensing, 15(4), [1088].
Orešković, M., Santos, J., Mladenović, G., & Rajaković-Ognjanović, V. (2023). The feasibility of using copper slag in asphalt mixtures for base and surface layers based on laboratory results. Construction and building materials, 384, [131285].
Pena Acosta, M., Dikkers, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., & Dorée, A. G. (2023). A comprehensive generalizability assessment of data-driven Urban Heat Island (UHI) models. Sustainable Cities and Society.
Qiao, Y., Zhang, S., Guo, Y., Wang, Y., Santos, J., Stoner, A., Dawson, A., & Ma, T. (2023). Assessing the effects of unit cost uncertainty on flexible road pavement economics under the influence of climate change. Journal of cleaner production , 414, [137597].
Tushar, Q., Salehi, S., Santos, J., Zhang, G., Bhuiyan, M. A., Arashpour, M., & Giustozzi, F. (2023). Application of recycled crushed glass in road pavements and pipeline bedding: An integrated environmental evaluation using LCA. Science of the total environment, 881, 1-21. [163488].
Vahdatikhaki, F., Barus, M. V., Shen, Q., Voordijk, H., & Hammad, A. (2023). Surrogate modelling of solar radiation potential for the design of PV module layout on entire façade of tall buildings. Energy and buildings, 286, [112958].
Amarh, E. A., Santos, J., Flintsch, G. W., & Diefenderfer, B. K. (2022). Evaluating the Potential Environmental Benefits of Cold Recycling-Based Methods for Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation in Virginia. Transportation research record, 2676(6), 75-86.​
Bressi, S., Primavera, M., & Santos, J. (2022). A comparative life cycle assessment study with uncertainty analysis of cement treated base (CTB) pavement layers containing recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) materials. Resources, conservation and recycling, 180, [106160].
Cheyyar Nageswaran, P. D., Miller, S. R., Bijleveld, F., & Poeran, N. (2022). Quantifying the accuracy of roller segmented compactor in simulating field compaction. In X. Liu, K. Anupam, S. Erkens, L. Sun, & J. Ling (Eds.), Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021 (pp. 531-536). (Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021). CRC Press/Balkema.
Giorgadze, I. M., Vahdatikhaki, F., & Voordijk, J. H. (2022). Conceptual Modeling of Lifecycle Digital Twin Architecture for Bridges: A Data Structure Approach. In T. Linner, B. García de Soto, R. Hu, & I. Brilakis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2022 (pp. 199-206). (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction; Vol. 2022-July). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction.
Giorgadze, I. M., Miller, S. R., & Vahdatikhaki, F. (2022). Developing a Lifecycle Infrastructure Digital Twin. 1-11. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Huurne, R. T., Scholtenhuis, L. O., & Dorée, A. (2022). Change Triggers in Early Innovation Stages: How Technology Pilots Enable Routine Reflection. Journal of construction engineering and management, 148(9), 1-10. [05022005].
Kumalasari, D., Koeva, M. N., Vahdatikhaki, F., Petrova-Antonova, D., & Kuffer, M. (2022). Generative design for walkable cities: A case study of Sofia. In C. C. Wang, & S. Shirowzhan (Eds.), International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: 7th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities (4/W5- 2022 ed., Vol. 48, pp. 75-82). (International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives). Copernicus.
Lehtola, V. V., Koeva, M., Oude Elberink, S., Raposo, P., Virtanen, J., Vahdatikhaki, F., & Borsci, S. (2022). Digital twin of a city: Review of technology serving city needs. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 114, 102915. [102915].
Lenderink, B., Halman, J. I. M., Boes, J., Voordijk, H., & Dorée, A. G. (2022). Procurement and innovation risk management: How a public client managed to realize a radical green innovation in a civil engineering project. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 28(1), [100747].
Lenderink, B., Boes, J., Halman, J. I. M., Voordijk, H., & Dorée, A. G. (2022). The development of a typology and guideline for selecting innovation-encouraging procurement strategies in civil engineering. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research.
Matel, E., Vahdatikhaki, F., Hosseinyalamdary, S., Evers, T., & Voordijk, H. (2022). An artificial neural network approach for cost estimation of engineering services. International journal of construction management, 22(7), 1274-1287.
Mookhoek, S., Sluer, B., Galesloot, M., & Miller, S. R. (2022). Challenges for digitalization of the asphalt paving process in the netherlands - a position paper. 1-8. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Pizzol, M., & Azarijafari, H. (2022). Life cycle assessment (LCA) of using recycled plastic waste in road pavements: Theoretical modeling. In F. Giustozzi, & S. Nizamuddin (Eds.), Plastic Waste for Sustainable Asphalt Roads (pp. 273-302)
Oosterveld, M., Miller, S. R., & Galesloot, M. (2022). Samen op de N638 - een High Tech Low Cost pilot project. 1-10. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., & Doree, A. (2022). A framework for a comprehensive mobile data acquisition setting for the assessment of Urban Heat Island phenomenon. In T. Linner, B. García de Soto, R. Hu, & I. Brilakis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (pp. 1-8). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction.
Pilataxi Araujo, T., Miller, S. R., Makarov, D., & Doree, A. (2022). Ondersteuningssystemen voor verwerking en verdichting - waarom zijn ze niet op elke bouwplaats aanwezig?. 1-12. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Qiao, Y., Guo, Y., Stoner, A. M. K., & Santos, J. (2022). Impacts of future climate change on flexible road pavement economics: A life cycle costs analysis of 24 case studies across the United States. Sustainable Cities and Society, 80, [103773].
Revollo Dalence, A. R., Vahdatikhaki, F., Miller, S. R., & Doree, A. (2022). Integrating VR and Simulation for Enhanced Planning of Asphalt Compaction. In T. Linner, B. García de Soto, R. Hu, & I. Brilakis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2022 (pp. 55-62). (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction; Vol. 2022-July). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction.
Ruiz, A., Bhochhibhoya, S., Volker, L., & Dorée, A. (2022). A conceptual framework to enhance stakeholders' synergies for implementing sustainable innovations. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Santos, J., Miller, S. R., & Cerezo, V. (2022). Pavement vehicle interaction (PVI): the elephant in the pavement life cycle assessment (LCA) room. 1-9. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Shen, Q., Miller, S. R., & Vahdatikhaki, F. (2022). Machine learning in the road construction sector: A review. 1-15. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Shen, Q., Vahdatikhaki, F., Voordijk, H., van der Gucht, J., & van der Meer, L. (2022). Metamodel-based generative design of wind turbine foundations. Automation in construction, 138, [104233].
Taher, A., Vahdatikhaki, F., & Hammad, A. (2022). Formalizing knowledge representation in earthwork operations through development of domain ontology. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(6), 2382-2414. T
ushar, Q., Santos, J., Zhang, G., Bhuiyan, M. A., & Giustozzi, F. (2022). Recycling waste vehicle tyres into crumb rubber and the transition to renewable energy sources: A comprehensive life cycle assessment. Journal of environmental management, 323, 1-15. [116289].
Vahdatikhaki, F., Langroodi, A. K., Scholtenhuis, L. O., & Dorée, A. (2022). Feedback support system for training of excavator operators. Automation in construction, 136, [104188].
Vahdatikhaki, F., Salimzadeh, N., & Hammad, A. (2022). Optimization of PV modules layout on high-rise building skins using a BIM-based generative design approach. Energy and buildings, 258, [111787].
Vega A, D. L., Santos, J., & Martinez-Arguelles, G. (2022). Life cycle assessment of hot mix asphalt with recycled concrete aggregates for road pavements construction. International journal of pavement engineering, 23(4), 923-936.
Vega Araujoa, D. L., Santos, J., & Martinez-Arguelles, G. (2022). Environmental performance evaluation of warm mix asphalt with recycled concrete aggregate for road pavements. International journal of pavement engineering.
Voordijk, H., Vahdatikhaki, F., & Matel, E. (2022). Machine learning and technological mediation in cost estimation practice . International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 15(1), 22-36.
Voordijk, H., & Vahdatikhaki, F. (2022). Virtual Reality learning environments and technological mediation in construction practice. European journal of engineering education, 47(2), 259-273.
Warbroek, B., Holmatov, B., Vinke-De kruijf, J., Arentsen, M., Shakeri, M., de Boer, C., Flacke, J., & Dorée, A. (2022). From sectoral to integrative action situations: An institutional perspective on the energy transition implementation in the Netherlands. Sustainability Science.
ter Huurne, R., Olde Scholtenhuis, L., & Dorée, A. (2022). Engaged Ontology Development to Bridge Fragmented Digital Realities. In A. Tutesigensi, & C. J. Neilson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Annual ARCOM Conference, 5-7 September 2022, Glasgow, UK: Building back wiser (pp. 328-337). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM).
Amarh, E. A., Flintsch, G. W., Santos, J., & Diefenderfer, B. K. (2021). Development of Roughness Prediction Models for Life Cycle Assessment Studies of Recycled Pavement Projects. Transportation research record, 2675(12), 449-463.
Bressi, S., Santos, J., Marko, O., & Losa, M. (2021). A comparative environmental impact analysis of asphalt mixtures containing crumb rubber and reclaimed asphalt pavement using life cycle assessment. International journal of pavement engineering, 22(4), 524-538.
Coenen, T. B. J., Santos, J., Fennis, S. A. A. M., & Halman, J. I. M. (2021). Development of a bridge circularity assessment framework to promote resource efficiency in infrastructure projects. Journal of industrial ecology, 25(2), 288- 304.
Holwerda, H., Haanstra, W., Braaksma, J., Coenen, T., & Santos, J. (2021). Application of Life Cycle Assessment and similar methodologies in Asset Management: A multiple case study. In 10th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Service
Langroodi, A. K., Vahdatikhaki, F., & Doree, A. (2021). Activity recognition of construction equipment using fractional random forest. Automation in construction, 122, [103465]. Makarov, D., Vahdatikhaki, F., Miller, S., Jamshidi, A., & Dorée, A. (2021). A framework for real-time compaction guidance system based on compaction priority mapping. Automation in construction, 129, [103818].
Makarov, D., Vahdatikhaki, F., Miller, S., Mowlaei, S., & Dorée, A. (2021). Usability assessment of compaction operator support systems using virtual prototyping. Automation in construction, 129, [103784].
Nizamuddin, S., Jamal, M., Santos, J., & Giustozzi, F. (2021). Recycling of low-value packaging films in bitumen blends: A grey-based multi criteria decision making approach considering a set of laboratory performance and environmental impact indicators. Science of the total environment, 778, [146187].
Noshahri, H., olde Scholtenhuis, L. L., Doree, A. G., & Dertien, E. C. (2021). Linking sewer condition assessment methods to asset managers’ data-needs. Automation in construction, 131, [103878].
Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Bressi, S., & Losa, M. (2021). Optimization of maintenance strategies for railway track-bed considering probabilistic degradation models and different reliability levels. Reliability engineering & system safety, 207, [107359].
Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Pham, A., Stasinopoulos, P., & Giustozzi, F. (2021). Recycling waste plastics in roads: A lifecycle assessment study using primary data. Science of the total environment, 751, [141842].
Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Hammad, A., & Doree, A. (2021). A generalizability analysis of a data-driven method for the Urban Heat Island phenomenon assessment. In Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) (pp. 73-80)
Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., Hammad, A., & Dorée, A. G. (2021). How to bring UHI to the urban planning table? A data-driven modeling approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 71, [102948].
Plantinga, H., Voordijk, H., & Dorée, A. (2021). Creating strategic alignment during the development of procurement instruments. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law, 174(1), 14-22.
Rincón, C. A. R., Santos, J., Volker, L., & Rouwenhorst, R. (2021). Identifying Institutional Barriers and Enablers for Sustainable Urban Planning from a Municipal Perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(20), [11231].
Staub, G., Montecino, H., Diáz, J. E., Pradena, M., Miller, S., & Diáz, M. (2021). Rpas based tracking of machinery used in asphalt paving process. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences , 43(B1-2021), 197-201.
olde Scholtenhuis, L. L., Hartmann, T., & Dorée, A. (2021). Exploring Networked Project Coordination in Combined Utility Streetworks. Engineering project organization journal, 10(1), 1-23.
olde Scholtenhuis, L. L., Vahdatikhaki, F., & Rouwenhorst, C. (2021). Flipped microlecture classes: satisfied learners and higher performance? European journal of engineering education, 46(3), 457-478.
Acosta, M. P., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., & Dorée, A. G. (2020). A conceptual framework for more efficient simulation of the interplay between road pavements and the Urban Heat Island phenomenon. In L-C. Ungureanu, & T. Hartmann (Eds.), EG-ICE 2020 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering: 1st–4th July 2020, Online, Proceedings (pp. 264-274). Berlin University Press.
Santos, J., Torres-Machi, C., Morillas, S., & Cerezo, V. (2020). A fuzzy logic expert system for selecting optimal and sustainable life cycle maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for road pavements. International journal of pavement engineering.
Vega-Araujo, D., Martinez-Arguelles, G., & Santos, J. (2020). Comparative life cycle assessment of warm mix asphalt with recycled concrete aggregates: A Colombian case study. Procedia CIRP, 90, 285-290.
Makarov, D., Miller, S., Vahdatikhaki, F., & Dorée, A. (2020). Comprehensive real-time pavement operation support system using machine-to-machine communication. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 13(1), 93-107.
Vega A, D. L., Santos, J., & Martinez-Arguelles, G. (2020). Life cycle assessment of hot mix asphalt with recycled concrete aggregates for road pavements construction. International journal of pavement engineering.
Bressi, S., Santos, J., Marko, O., & Losa, M. (2019). A comparative environmental impact analysis of asphalt mixtures containing crumb rubber and reclaimed asphalt pavement using life cycle assessment. International journal of pavement engineering.
Santos, J., Cerezo, V., Flintsch, G., & Ferreira, A. (2019). A many-objective optimization model for sustainable pavement management considering several sustainability metrics through a multi-dimensionality reduction approach. In R. Caspeele, L. Taerwe, & D. M. Frangopol (Eds.), Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2018 CRC Press.
Vahdatikhaki, F., El Ammari, K., Langroodi, A. K., Miller, S., Hammad, A., & Doree, A. (2019). Beyond data visualization: A context-realistic construction equipment training simulators. Automation in construction, 106, [102853].
Qiao, Y., Santos, J., Stoner, A. M. K., & Flinstch, G. (2019). Climate change impacts on asphalt road pavement construction and maintenance: An economic life cycle assessment of adaptation measures in the State of Virginia, United States. Journal of industrial ecology.
Vahdatikhaki, F., Kassemi Langroodi, A., Makarov, D., & Miller, S. (2019). Context-realistic virtual reality-based training simulators for asphalt operations. In M. Al-Hussein (Ed.), Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2019): May 21-24, 2019, Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, AB, Canada (pp. 218-225). University of Alberta.
Castro, A., Martínez, G., Fuentes, L., Bonicelli, A., Preciado, J., & Santos, J. (2019). Environmental and mechanical benefits of cold recycled bituminous mixes with crumb rubber. In M. Crispino (Ed.), Pavement and Asset Managemen: Proceedings of the World Conference on Pavement and Asset Management (WCPAM 2017), June 12-16, 2017, Baveno, Italy Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Vega, D. L., Gilberto, M. A., & Dos Santos, J. (2019). Life Cycle Assessment of Warm Mix Asphalt with Recycled Concrete Aggregate. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 603(5), [052016].
Santos, J., Bressi, S., Cerezo, V., & Lo Presti, D. (2019). SUP&R DSS: A sustainability-based decision support system for road pavements. Journal of cleaner production, 206, 524-540.
Santos, J., Cerezo, V., Soudani, K., & Bressi, S. (2018). A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Hot Mixes Asphalt Containing Bituminous Binder Modified with Waste and Virgin Polymers. Procedia CIRP, 69, 194-199.
Bressi, S., Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Giunta, M., Pistonesi, L., & Lo Presti, D. (2018). A comparative life-cycle assessment of asphalt mixtures for railway sub-ballast containing alternative materials. Resources, conservation and recycling, 137, 76-88.
Santos, J., Ferreira, A., Flintsch, G., & Cerezo, V. (2018). A multi-objective optimisation approach for sustainable pavement management. Structure and infrastructure engineering, 14(7), 854-868.
Bressi, S., D'Angelo, G., Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., & Giunta, M. (2018). Environmental performance analysis of bitumen stabilized ballast for railway track-bed using life-cycle assessment. Construction and building materials, 188, 1050-1064.
Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Bressi, S., Cerezo, V., Lo Presti, D., & Dauvergne, M. (2018). Life cycle assessment of low temperature asphalt mixtures for road pavement surfaces: A comparative analysis. Resources, conservation and recycling, 138, 283-297.
Santos, J., Bryce, J., Flintsch, G., & Ferreira, A. (2017). A comprehensive life cycle costs analysis of in-place recycling and conventional pavement construction and maintenance practices. International journal of pavement engineering, 18(8), 727-743.
Santos, J., Ferreira, A., Flintsch, G., & Cerezo, V. (2017). A multi-objective optimization approach for sustainable pavement management. In J. Bakker, D. M. Frangopol, & K. van Breugel (Eds.), Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure - 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Engineering, IALCCE 2016 (pp. 365-372). (Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure - 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Engineering, IALCCE 2016). CRC Press/Balkema.
Santos, J., Ferreira, A., & Flintsch, G. (2017). A multi-objective optimization-based pavement management decision-support system for enhancing pavement sustainability. Journal of cleaner production, 164, 1380-1393.
Vahdatikhaki, F., Hammad, A., olde Scholtenhuis, L. L., Miller, S. R., & Makarov, D. (2017). Data-Driven Scenario Generation for Enhanced Realism of Equipment Training Simulators. Paper presented at 6th CSCE/CRC International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Makarov, D. (2017). Developing a real-time process control system for asphalt paving and compaction. University of Twente.
Santos, J., Cerezo, V., Flintsch, G., & Ferreira, A. (2017). Environmental and economic assessment of pavement construction and management practices for enhancing pavement sustainability. In F. Wegman, & G. Dell’Acqua (Eds.), Transport Infrastructure and Systems - Proceedings of the AIIT International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems, TIS 2017 (pp. 291-299). (Transport Infrastructure and Systems - Proceedings of the AIIT International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems, TIS 2017). CRC Press/Balkema.
Santos, J., Flintsch, G., & Ferreira, A. (2017). Environmental and economic assessment of pavement construction and management practices for enhancing pavement sustainability. Resources, conservation and recycling, 116, 15-31.
Santos, J., Thyagarajan, S., Keijzer, E., Flores, R., & Flintsch, G. (2017). Pavement life cycle assessment: A comparison of American and european tools. In I. L. Al-Qadi, H. Ozer, & J. Harvey (Eds.), Pavement Life-Cycle Assessment - Proceedings of the Pavement Life-cycle Assessment Symposium, 2017 (pp. 1-10). CRC Press/Balkema.
Arbeider, C. G., Miller, S. R., Doree, A., & Oosterveld, M. (2017). Planning the asphalt construction process: Towards more consistent paving and compaction operations. Paper presented at 17th AAPA International Flexible Pavements Conference Exhibition 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Santos, J., Ferreira, A., & Flintsch, G. (2016). An adaptive hybrid genetic algorithm for pavement management. In P. Kommers, A. P. Abraham, & J. Roth (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conferences on ICT, Society, and Human Beings 2016, Web Based Communities and Social Media 2016, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2016 and Theory and Practice in Modern Computing 2016: Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2016 (pp. 211-218). IADIS.
Makarov, D., Miller, S., & Dorée, A. (2016). Developing a real-time process control system for asphalt paving and compaction. 1-11. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Olthof, R., Miller, S. R., & Steenbergen, A. (2016). Het expliciet maken van CO2-emissies gedurende het asfaltproductieproces. 1-15. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Galesloot, M., Miller, S., & van der Spiegel, J. (2016). Invloed van vocht in het asfaltproductieproces - wat zijn de gevolgen en hoe kunnen deze gevolgen beperkt worden. 1-6. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Plantinga, H., & Dorée, A. (2016). Procurement strategy formation: (re-)designing rail infrastructure project alliances. International journal of managing projects in business, 9(1), 53-73.
Bijleveld, F., Miller, S., & Dorée, A. (2016). Professionalisering asfaltuitvoeringsproces: synthetiseren informatietechnologie, ervaringskennis en laboratoriumprocedures. 1-11. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Profijt, J. G., Miller, S., & Doree, A. G. (2016). Projectonderwijs in combinatie met online leren in een keuzedeel voor de wegenbouw. 1-11. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
van Dijk, S., Miller, S., & Oosterveld, M. (2016). RFID sensoren voor asfaltmetingen. 1-9. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Sluer, B., & Miller, S. (2016). Shuttle buggy vs. feeder - lessen uit een praktijkcase. 1-14. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
olde Scholtenhuis, L., & Dorée, A. (2016). Smart cities bouwen volgens de knieoperatiemetafoor: onderzoeksrichtingen binnen het domein van binnenstedelijke (infra)reconstructie. 1-10. Paper presented at CROW Infradagen 2016, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Bhochhibhoya, S. (2016). Sustainability Assessment of Building System in Himalayan Region. Universita di Padova.
olde Scholtenhuis, L. L., Hartmann, T., & Doree, A. G. (2016). Testing the Value of 4D Visualizations for Enhancing Mindfulness in Utility Reconstruction Works. Journal of construction engineering and management, 142(7).
Racz, P., van Buiten, M., & Doree, A. G. (2016). To dig or not to dig: how to determine the number and location of test trenches. In H. J. P. Timmermans (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th international conference on design & decision support systems in architecture and urban planning, 27-28 June 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (pp. 1-16). Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Vasenev, A., Hartmann, T., Miller, S. R., & Doree, A. G. (2016). Visualization environment for reviewing and experimenting with compaction equipment trajectories in context. Advanced engineering informatics, 30(2), 95-108.
Miller, S. R., & Doree, A. G. (2015). A framework for monitoring asphalt mix temperature during construction using statistical process control charts. In P. Hendricks, S. Solomons, A. Taute, & P. Myburgh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th conference on asphalt pavements for Southern Africa, 16 - 19 August 2015, Sun City, South Africa (pp. -). Capsa.
Santos, J., Ferreira, A., & Flintsch, G. (2015). A life cycle assessment model for pavement management: Methodology and computational framework. International journal of pavement engineering, 16(3), 268-286.
Santos, J., Ferreira, A., & Flintsch, G. (2015). A life cycle assessment model for pavement management: Road pavement construction and management in Portugal. International journal of pavement engineering, 16(4), 315-336.
Santos, J., Bryce, J., Flintsch, G., Ferreira, A., & Diefenderfer, B. (2015). A life cycle assessment of in-place recycling and conventional pavement construction and maintenance practices. Structure and infrastructure engineering, 11(9), 1199-1217.
Bijleveld, F., Miller, S. R., de Bondt, A. H., & Doree, A. G. (2015). Aligning laboratory and field compaction practices for asphalt - the influence of compaction temperature on mechanical properties. International journal of pavement engineering, 17(8), 727-740.
Miller, S. R., Doree, A. G., Vasenev, A., & Bijleveld, F. (2015). The asphalt construction site of the future - a dutch perspective. In P. Hendricks, S. Solomons, A. Taute, & P. Myburgh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th conference on asphalt pavements for Southern Africa, 16 - 19 August 2015, Sun City, South Africa (pp. -). Capsa.
Vasenev, A., Hartmann, T., & Doree, A. G. (2014). A distributed data collection and management framework for tracking construction operations. Advanced engineering informatics, 28(2), 127-137.
Vasenev, A., Hartmann, T., & Doree, A. G. (2014). An architecture for reviewing conducted collaborative operational strategies and exploring alternatives in virtual environments: the case of asphalt compaction. In R. R. Issa, & I. Flood (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on computing in civil and building engineering, 23-25 June, 2014, Orlando, Florida (pp. 689-696). American Society of Civil Engineers.
Vasenev, A., Pradhananga, N., Bijleveld, F., Ionita, D., Hartmann, T., Teizer, J., & Doree, A. G. (2014). An information fusion approach for filtering GNSS data sets collected during construction operations. Advanced engineering informatics, 28(4), 297-310.
Bryce, J., Santos, J., Flintsch, G., Katicha, S., McGhee, K., & Ferreira, A. (2014). Analysis of rolling resistance models to analyse vehicle fuel consumption as a function of pavement properties. In Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, ISAP 2014 (pp. 263-273). A.A. Balkema Publishers, Taylor and Francis Group.
Bijleveld, F., Miller, S. R., & Doree, A. G. (2014). Het walsproces in de Nederlandse wegenbouwpraktijk: variabiliteit en 'common practice'. In CROW Infadagen 2014, 18-19 juni 2014, Ermelo, the Netherlands (pp. 1-11). C.R.O.W..
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