7 & 8 July 2018 - Boskalis
During the peak of asphalt paving season the PQi measurement with Boskalis took place at A58 highway nearby Etten-Leur. The project took two days with reconstruction of two highway layers – bind and surface. The focus of the project was aimed at comparison of InllinePave method with conventional paving/compaction strategy. For this purpose the asphalt mixture cooling process was monitored with help of infrared camera (IR cam) that was mounted on a paver fed by a feeder. The IR cam field of view was setup to be able to scan both of the paved lanes (with InllinePave method and with conventional paving). To collect core temperatures of the asphalt layers thermocouples with 3D printed stands were used. Additionally, during project activities GPS locations of construction machines’ movements (paver and rollers) were collected.